Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fall Poppies Loomed Bracelet

     I'm posting this today, now that my sister's birthday is over and she already has her gift.  A couple of years ago, she bought me a beading loom, and I've only just begun to experiment with it.  I purchased a pattern to start with since I was getting frustrated with the design process, and changed the color scheme to better suit my sister, choosing browns and oranges instead of black and green and blue.  I also chose silver-lined Delica seed beads instead of the opaque, more common seed beads because they add a little sparkle and a richer color, and are more equal and consistent in shape, which makes it easier to loom.  This was the second beading project I've done on a loom.  I like how the pattern turned out, but as of yet I'm not particularly happy with finishing it--I don't like knotting, though the knots I used are very sturdy.
     I was fortunate to find a scarf (my sister loves scarves almost as much as jewelry) at the place where I work that matched the flowers in the piece.  Pardon the bad pictures...I'm going to try to get my sister to take better ones, as she is the professional photographer who owns the blog Whimsicals by Margot.  Make sure to check out her blog!  Happy 29th birthday!



Name: Fall Poppies

Price:  $30 (reason: time involved, quality of beads and thread used)

Length: approximately 9"


  1. I'll take one with same browns with blue flowers. I love this thing!

  2. I thought you said you wanted yellow and pink?

  3. Yeah, a pink one would be nice, too, maybe with blue background. Love your stuff!
