Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A current project.

I've learned a new technique over the last couple of days out of the book my boyfriend Dan bought me: the tubular twisted herringbone stitch.  The book was a little vague at step 4, which is where the tube starts working upwards, so I had to experiment a few times.  I finally got it to work, and intended to finish it for a dinner Dan and I had last night (this is going to be a bangle bracelet that ties into itself so no clasp), but then I broke my last needle.  I had been running low on needles before the show in November and had bought more from my usual source, but broke all but one in a matter of hours.  This needle was the last one of those--hadn't been used before yesterday.  It snapped within two hours.  I've never gotten a bad batch before.  Fortunately, I found the last of the previous card of needles this morning, so hopefully by the end of the day I'll have the bangle done.

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